Friday, June 7, 2013

Online Hours - June 7th - 30 more minutes

This morning, I went through and read the blog entries from my classmates.  Diane Markley's blog was so insightful, and I love how she embraces teaching reading in the orchestra classroom.  She will make my job easier as she supports reading instruction with my kids next year (I believe the Legends are an orchestra team next year!).  I enjoyed reading her posts, and I know that if I were a kid, I would enjoy being in her class.  I also enjoyed Kristina Martin's posts.  She had some great links and videos posted.  I liked her video and metaphor assignment idea about bullying.  Thinking of incorporating this into a class meeting or life ed next year!  So glad that you had us post our class time on blogs for everyone to view.  I got some more great ideas just from other's online time!

*This represents teachers working together to improve reading instruction for our kiddos!

1 comment:

  1. I saw that you had posted on the blogs of others and I am so pleased that you took the time to look at them! I really do think that the collaboration piece is imperative if we are to get better at the teaching of reading. It makes me miss teaching with you all the more! Hopefully we can find some time this next year to work together!
