Saturday, June 8, 2013

June 8th - Online Hours - 3

Okay - so I purchased the book Reading Reasons by Kelly Gallagher, and I have to say that I almost want to start teaching tomorrow! (Not REALLY......I enjoy my summer) BUT.........this book was inspiring!!!  I read it all in one sitting (naptime, again........beautiful thing!) It caused me to totally rethink my approach to teaching reading.  It is my job not only to teach kids how to read, but also to teach them WHY they need to read - what do they get out of it?  Every year, on our student surveys, we get hammered by kids because they say that what we teach isn't relevant to them.  Well, this book gave me a way to not just TELL kids that reading is important but to SHOW them why it is.  I loved this book!  Gallagher includes in his book 10 reading reasons to share with kids and 40 mini-lessons to do with kids to show them the value of reading in their lives.  I am totally going to implement these reading lessons into my class next year - one a week - to get kids to buy into the idea that reading is important to them now and in their futures.  My nook copy of the book is highlighted and noted up ready for me to take on this new challenge in August.  You've heard the quote, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it?"  Well, reading instruction is broken, and I am going to try to fix it in my classroom.  I am really glad that I invested the time in this valuable resource - I highly encourage all reading teachers specifically to read it.

*My day to implement new reading fix what's been broken.

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