Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Deeper Reading Lesson Plan

Deeper Reading Lesson Plan
Content Learning Goal

Presenting and Defending a Claim; Point of View; Literary Elements (Mood and tone)

Are Your Jeans Sagging? Go Directly to Jail.
Gallagher’s Deeper Reading Model

Framing the text
Ex: anticipation guide, brainstorming, guided discussion, visual aids, pre-research, set a purpose for reading,  author consideration, KWL chart, etc.
Choose a clothing style or outfit worn by students in your school right now. Draw a picture, find a picture online, or use a picture of someone from instagram, facebook, etc. of someone wearing these clothes and accessories. Then, think about the answers to the following questions. Be prepared to share.
- Do you think this clothing promotes or supports a stereotype?
- Do you feel pressure to wear the latest styles? Why or why not?
- Where do you get your ideas for what is cool to wear?
- What kinds of clothing, if any, do you think should not be allowed in school? Explain your answer.
- Would you consider this same clothing inappropriate anywhere else? Why or why not?”
After a few minutes, allow time for students to share their drawings and answers to the questions. Do you find any of the clothing styles or outfits “offensive”? Why or why not? How do you think members of the school administration might feel? Why?
1st Draft Read: Reading Carefully
Ex: annotate the text, look for specific information, read aloud, etc.
Copy and paste the article, Are Your Jeans Sagging? Go Directly to Jail, into a Google doc.  Annotate the text in the Google doc.
2nd Draft Read: Return to the text
Ex: create graphic organizers, concept mapping, note taking, summaries, questioning, personal reactions, etc.
Go back to the article with a partner.  Generate a list of 20 questions about the article. Post these on the google doc.
Ex: debates, discussions, sharing products, exchanging feedback, etc.
Poll the class to find out why there is a strong connection between music and fashion. Allow time to discuss their answers. What type of music might accompany a talk show about the controversy over sagging jeans?
Explain to students that they will participate in a simulated radio talk show; the topic is sagging jeans. Inform students that you will be acting as the show’s emcee, and they will play callers to the show who will offer arguments either supporting or denouncing the popular fashion style based on an assigned perspective.
Arrange the class into pairs or small groups and assign each group a role from the list below. Provide them with the associated guiding questions and give them ample time to use their data to prepare comments for the radio talk show. Advise students to think creatively about how their assigned personality might think about the topic.
To start the talk show, offer an overview of the issue, then invite “callers” to offer their opinions on the original topic or to respond to comments by the other “callers.” Advise students to seriously consider how they might respond to one another’s perspectives in a way that allows the discussion to progress. Caution against the use of divisive or abusive language. Write the roles, questions and talk show tips on the board or distribute them in a handout for easy reference.
- First Amendment expert.
- free speech activist.
- advocate of “proper” dress.
- student who wears sagging jeans.
- principal who wants students to wear school uniforms.
- Louisiana lawmaker.
- representative from the American Civil Liberties Union.
- representative from the N.A.A.C.P.
- the president of the National Basketball Association.
- professor of sociology.
- fashion expert.
- hip-hop artist.
- parents of children allowed to wear sagging jeans.
- parents of children not allowed to wear sagging jeans.
- How do you feel about this issue? Why do you feel this way?
- How do you think sagging pants (or laws regulating them) can affect your local community or society at large?
- How do you feel about the penalties faced by people who break laws regarding sagging pants? Are the consequences fair or too severe?
- To what can rules or laws about sagging pants be compared?
- What examples of current news stories or events help support your point of view?
- Be clear: State your point of view clearly and succinctly. If making a response, be sure to state to whom you are responding.
- Be brief: Be careful not to bore your audience.
- Be respectful: Let others share their points of view.

Ex: discuss implications of a piece, look at the personal impact of a piece, summarize what was learned, look at global impacts, etc.
According to the article “Are Your Jeans Sagging? Go Directly to Jail.,” sagging began in prison. What is your opinion of following a trend that started in such a place? Why do you think this trend is popular? Write a journal entry reflecting on this statement. Consider what you already know about hip-hop fashion and related trends.
Metaphorical Response
Ex: create metaphors about the topic, create symbols to represent understanding, allow students to find images and discuss relevance, use colors that represent mood/tone/etc, look for songs that represent messages, write poems to demonstrate understanding, etc.
Create a wordle/tagxedo or 6 word memoir to illustrate your feelings/opinion of this article.

Creativity and Innovation

Communication & Collaboration

Research Information & Fluency

Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making

Digital Citizenship

Technology Operations & Concepts

Estimated Number of  Class Periods

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